If you’re a business owner who relies on knowledge to keep your business thriving, it’s essential to take the time for learning. Podcasts are a great way to do that because they let you listen instead of watching or reading, and they can be pretty entertaining as well. These five podcasts for small business owners and entrepreneurs will keep you updated on everything from marketing and design tips to how-tos for contract law and intellectual property rights.

1. Small Business Big Marketing

The Small Business Big Marketing podcast has been produced since 2009 by the marketing team at Crank Agency, an award-winning digital marketing agency. You may be surprised to hear how such a small business podcast covers much marketing strategy, but that’s because Marla Tabaka and her team at Crank Agency are brilliant. They offer eight episodes per month that cover various topics you need to help your small business grow, including choosing a niche, promoting social media, and free advertising tips.

2. 99% Invisible

This NPR podcast about the hidden architecture of our world is a favorite with some of our regular GEO readers. Host Roman Mars lays out each episode musically, and he interviews experts from around the globe to bring stories to life. It’s not only great listening for small business owners but also eye-opening, disabusing you of some ideas you may have had about the way things work.

3. From Scratch

If you’re interested in learning from master teachers and writers, check out the From Scratch podcast. It features topics that range from business and marketing to personal development and spirituality. The episodes are 30 minutes long, and you’ll hear people like Tim Ferriss and Seth Godin offering their take on success.

4. Entreleadership

The team produces this podcast at YEC, or Young Entrepreneur Council, which works to promote entrepreneurship among young professionals. There are 75 episodes in total, and they talk with entrepreneurs from top businesses – including Zappos, Microsoft, and Intuit – about how they built their companies from the ground up.

5. HBR IdeaCast

Every week, you’ll find a new episode of HBR IdeaCast that covers one business or marketing topic. They feature in-depth interviews with leaders and professionals, as well as case studies for your use. HBR IdeaCast is produced by the Harvard Business Review, which also makes The HBR Podcast that many of our GEO readers already know and love.

Check out these podcasts if you want to keep up with the latest news in business and marketing. You can listen at your convenience, on your own time, and learn from top business leaders ranging from small startups to well-established companies.