John Gavin

Professional Overview Blog

How to Ensure Your Team Follows Your Lead

How to Ensure Your Team Follows Your Lead

Managing a team is hard. It would help if you were their cheerleader, critic, and, often, their friend. But managing all these roles while also making sure your team follows suit can be impossible! Given how important it is to have your team following your leads as...

Top Podcasts for Small Businesses

Top Podcasts for Small Businesses

If you're a business owner who relies on knowledge to keep your business thriving, it's essential to take the time for learning. Podcasts are a great way to do that because they let you listen instead of watching or reading, and they can be pretty entertaining as...

Maintaining a Healthy Work/Life Balance

Maintaining a Healthy Work/Life Balance

Does it ever feel like the lines between work and home life have blurred away? Do you feel like you're always working but never getting anything done? You're not alone.  According to a Families and Work Institute study, American employees report working an average of...

Time Management for Entrepreneurs

Time Management for Entrepreneurs

Many people are entrepreneurs. They have our businesses, which means they are in charge of everything from the company to the employees to the marketing! It can be a lot of work - but what is worse is when they get so busy that they don’t know where their time is...

Hiring Your First Employees

Hiring Your First Employees

Hiring your first employees seems to be a daunting task for any entrepreneur. It is essential to find the right person to fit your company's culture and share your vision. Of course, you also want to ensure that they are qualified for the position. Here is what to...

How to Start Your Own Business

How to Start Your Own Business

Starting your own business is not an easy journey. However, if you are passionate about what you do and willing to put in the time, it can be gratifying. To help make things easier for you, here is a list of essential steps in starting your business. Remember, what...

The Importance of Mental Health When Running a Business

The Importance of Mental Health When Running a Business

As an entrepreneur, one must be prepared for any issues that may come along that can change how one conducts business. These can be problems with the shipments of goods, accounts receivable, or even raising more capital. But, what about human capital? The human...

Top 5 Leadership Techniques for Successful Entrepreneurs

Top 5 Leadership Techniques for Successful Entrepreneurs

Gaining effective leadership skills is a necessary step for becoming a better leader and manager. It is crucial for those leaders who happen to own their businesses. Knowing the proper techniques to use is necessary to lead a team effectively. This can be challenging,...

How Social Media Can Help Your Business

How Social Media Can Help Your Business

Social media is a powerful tool for businesses to use. It can help you generate more revenue, reach customers all over the world, and keep your company top of mind. Below are five ways social media can impact a business: 1) Market Research Social media can help you...

Career Lessons to Learn Early On

Career Lessons to Learn Early On

It can be said that successful professionals never stop learning and growing. The most successful people are often those who pursue continual growth in their careers. These individuals have had loads of experience in getting them to the points they are at today, however, meaning that they have valuable advice to pass on to others. The earlier you learn these career lessons, the better chances you’ll have of finding success. Discover a few of these career lessons below.